Saturday, May 17, 2008

Family Portraits

(Pre neutering) Booker on the left, Juanita and Konaloni. These are the family dogs, the girls are my son’s. Due to circumstances beyond my control (poor crate design and obviously determined dogs)...... there was a litter.

Booker was adopted by me when that occurred. And immediately altered......He is such a love, headed to a therapy and possibly a service dog “job”. He could then be at work with me at times. We are in the BAD RAP pipeline with training. His most challenging aspect is that he is easily distracted by other dogs and humans- he wants to play.

Kona was the mama. She is blue fawn. Below is the only one (Buckertte was her puppy name since Bucker was his name at the time) that had B’s coloring. She lives with a dog trainer who adores her, and has the happy go lucky nature of her daddy dog. She lives at a beach. Lucky her!

I helped out my son, who lives 30 minutes away, during this time, and suffered greatly when 3 pups were determined to be bilaterally deaf. One found an experienced home, 2 were PTS tearfully in my arms. My son did carefully screen new owners and has made sure they all received and continue to receive good care. I can only hope all were altered.

I am hoping no more litters will occur but my son has not taken what I adamantly believe to be the appropriate steps, and I have to keep up the vigil. Dang!

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